Dr. Steven Esau is a Registered Clinical Counsellor (#8118) who believes true counselling is walking alongside an individual with an attitude of non-judgment and compassion, during a time of need in their life. He has a Doctorate in Behavioural Health, a Masters in Marriage, Family and Child Counselling, a double BA in Counselling and Youth work, and certificate in Trauma counselling.
Steve has worked in Canada as well as internationally as a Counsellor with both children and adults. He specializes in addictions counselling, substance affected counselling, trauma counselling, relational therapy, and helping people deal with all levels of anxiety. Steve works from the understanding that most of pathology originates with brokenness within three main relationships: Hurt or pain from a relationship with another person or persons, a disconnection from the natural environment, and/or spiritual disconnect or confusion with God. He works alongside the individual to begin the process of repairing relationships and healing by using such therapies as Existential Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Expressive Play Therapy, and Christian Counselling (click here for more information about these counselling therapies). Within the counselling relationship, Steve provides a safe, and non-judgmental space for the individual to explore whatever difficulty they may be experiencing.
To learn more, please visit sashaclinicalservices.com.